Random Picture Of The Week

Random Picture Of The Week

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Guys, u wanna post?

I know some of you wanna post but you'll have to give me your username(blog acc)
As like what Arvind said, i cant give u this blog's account coz people would be changing this and that
You can give me tips on how to improve the blog
And for posting, i will allow anyone to write.
But no spamming or vulgarities(maybe abit) or well, you know the drill

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Friday, July 18, 2008

Racial Harmony Day

Racial Harmony day has just passed.

Everyone seemed to had fun. Espacially in class paper planes and somethin like that. I had fun too at playing "Kevadi"( is it the correct spelling?). Based on games we played, we should be in the top three but the interclass is based on points which I have no idea what happened.
I think we should all wear the costumes of any cukture on this great day. Few people in our class or even school wore the costumes. C'mon guys, you can do better than that!

Well, gotta go! Hope we all support Racial Harmony Day next year!
Post will be made soon